Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I did it.

While I was upstairs opening the blinds in my daughter's room, I looked out to see my parents' old home. I burst into tears.  I've been feeling overly emotional lately but this really just set me off. So I did it.

I texted my husband (I don't feel comfortable calling when he's at the Portland office) and told him that if he was offered a position there to not turn it down but to seriously consider it. I don't know why I've been so afraid to simply put it out there. We've talked since, but not seriously - he made jokes about how he couldn't wait to get back to Utah, but knowing him, it was to keep things light and funny. I'm just glad he knows now what I want.

He's having drinks tonight with my sister and her wasband. I hope they have a great time!

So I fear this experiment with the antibiotics didn't work. I'm totally distended now. It's bad and beyond uncomfortable. I've tried reaching friends to see if I could get some help to get to the doctor but can reach no one. I know he lives in the same town as I do so I just texted him asking if he ever makes house calls and explained the situation. Hopefully I'll hear back soon. It's all I can do not to panic right now over this situation!

Hope you're all well!


He just left. This isn't resolving so he's going to put another drain in. :( He said it will be less a pain than the other drains but I will INSIST on a pain pill for when they pull it out!!!! That and xanax.


Jen Payne said...


I live in West Jordan. Not far from you in Sandy. I can totally come help you out. My phone number is 801-878-7837. Or my cell is 425-268-3185. I know it seems wierd, but hey when you need help, you need help. I am completely serious. Don't feel bad, I would much rather have you get in to see him right away!


helderheid said...

Jen thank you SO much! He called me back and is actually on his way here! Talk about service!!! Thanks so much for the offer! :)

Christy said...

Wow! Yuck. I hope you're better soon ... and that hubby gets a job in Portland!

helderheid said...


He just left. This isn't resolving so he's going to put another drain in. :( He said it will be less a pain than the other drains but I will INSIST on a pain pill for when they pull it out!!!! That and xanax.

Thanks guys!

lavenderdiva said...

Oh man. I'm so sorry! I'm so glad he was able to come to you, and help. I'm sorry to hear about the new drain, but hopefully, this will help heal your tummy more quickly. How long does the drain need to be in? I suppose its more a matter of resolving the fluid issue, and when that goes away, the drain can come out?

Please, please ask him for a major pain pill, and a xanax before he does that though! To put it in and take it out!

much love to you. Thank you for all of your help and encouragement to me today. I feel very selfish knowing what distress you were in.... love you.

lavenderdiva said...

ps. Good for you, for getting it all out there, and speaking plainly to him about Portland. He knows exactly how you feel now. I suspect that the topic of your moving might come up this evening with your sister and her husband over drinks? Just a suspicion.

I'm so sorry you've been alone and emotional lately. I've been feeling the same way today, yet knowing you were there for me really helped-