Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! Susan Miller's Astrology Zone Monthly forcast is UP!

Hey lovies,

Had an emotional and unpleasant blow out with the hubby last night that I won't get into, but I will say I told him I was sick to death of his smoking. Mercury is retrograde and when we have blow ups, it's always at this time. We agreed not to argue until January 16, when it goes direct. It's all sunshine and rainbows here today. :)

I am about to go read my monthly horoscope - this is by the same person who nailed it last month. Check yours out!


Lis said...

As a Pisces 2010 is going to be a great year! Great website, thanks for sharing!

lavenderdiva said...

I know the blow-out must have been upsetting for both of you, however, the good thing for you is that you are clearing the air. You are getting everything out into the open that has been bothering you, and dealing with each issue. Honesty is always good in relationships, if spoken with kindness.

Your horoscope is very promising for 2010- Thank you for sharing that site, I read mine too!

helderheid said...

ld, what's your sign? Thanks for the kind words. As I've said before, the 8 years prior to HCG I've felt I'd been sleepwalking through my life. I woke up and my husband is finally stirring. We both have a lot to say and to work on. Life is worth more than the way we've been living it and one of my New Year's resolutions is to ask for what I want and to help transition our family into a healthie place. We deserve it and it's time but it will take me taking the initiative. HUG

lavenderdiva said...

I love your thinking on this: You are leading your family into a much healthier place. You all do deserve it. It won't be easy or painless, but it will be worthwhile.

I am a cusp baby: born on August 22, 1958. I usually read Leo though. Sometimes, if Leo isn't having a good day, I'll read Virgo to see if it's any better! But my personality is more like Leo....