Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 6 LM - 114.8 (- 1, - 1.9 of LDW)

Hey peep-a-la-peeps,

Stable. Stable, stable, stable. :)

On a completely different subject, I'm feeling sad for some friends and for the gay community in Utah. In the past 3 weeks, 3 young men took their lives because of their conflict with their faith and their sexuality. The latest happened yesterday. Todd Ransom took his life yesterday morning. Todd was one of many interviewed for the recent documentary 8: The Mormon Proposition. His story was heart breaking. Tonight is a vigil for him and the others who took their lives, at the state capital. For any of you who are local and are interested in showing your solidarity with the GLBT community, here is the facebook event page. This should never happen.

I went to the doctor yesterday and she's quite pleased with my finger's healing progress. She was not happy with my shoulder! Not only was a blood vessel hit causing the bruise, but I am having an allergic reaction to the medicine which is causing my shoulder to be hot and swollen.
She said for me to take benedryl and sent me on my way. The stitches will come out in about a week. 

I've bribed the children to clean the house today and in return we're all going to see "Despicable Me" . I'll help with the cleaning, but they have their marching orders! Wish me luck!

I'm off to check in on all y'all. *HUGS*


Bunpoh said...

I'm so very sorry to hear about Todd and the other young men. It's incredibly heart-breaking to me that they were made to feel such pain for who they were that they could bare no more. Thanks for passing that on.

Glad you're stable and healing, hope the allergic reaction calms down!

helderheid said...

Thanks, Bunpoh. I appreciate all the support! I feel for those who are a part of the GLBT community - especially those who are devout in their faiths which teach that they are evil for doing and being what is completely natural to them.

lavenderdiva said...

I'm so sorry for these young people who felt compelled to end their lives, because of actions of people who have no idea about what a loving God we have. It makes me insanely furious that people use His name in this way. They do not understand His loving ways, and they manipulate situations & people to their own ends. Its sickening. I hope a lot of people turn out for the vigil, and lots of attention is brought to bear.

Your arm looks decidedly painful my friend! Is the benedryl working? I'm so very sorry that they hit the vessel and caused you all this distress. Your finger looks like it is healing very nicely. I'll bet your scar will be hardly noticeable-

good work on bribing your kids to help clean the house! You really need to rest with that shoulder the way it is.

much healing love to you!

lavenderdiva said...

You know what I would love for you to post sometime? Since you are Queen of stabilization these days, would you post a typical day's menu for you for P3 and then for P4? I think that would be really helpful for lots of folks trying to figure out stabilization.