Saturday, July 10, 2010

P3 Day 17 - 114.2 ( +.5 , -2.4 of LDW)

Only 4 more days of P3!! Yay! I was really hoping to stabilize on the lower end of acceptable so that when I started exercise, I wouldn't be worried about correction days. Looks like I've done it, knock on wood!

No rest for me. After my transactions closed, I'd hoped to have some time off, but there were some snags. In one of the homes, the previous home owner had things he wanted to sell my buyer that he wasn't interested in buying and rather than moving it out, he told my buyer it was "your problem now". Jerk. So, today I'm borrowing a friend's husband and his truck and loading it up, bringing it here, and selling it. Any of you in Utah want some stereo equipment and a large screen projector television? :) So there's that today, and I need to do a final walk through with one of my buyer's in the townhome he had been renting from me. Then, as soon as I get my checks, I need to go buy gift cards for everyone, most likely Monday. I think I'll get myself a treat too and hire someone to clean my house!

No real news. I'm still tired. It felt great to incorporate more veggies and fruits yesterday! I think as soon as I start working out, I'll have more energy.

Oh foot update. It's still swollen, but it's not too bad. In inspecting it, I do find a very tender spot on one of the bones. If the swelling doesn't go away, my doctor said we could do a bone scan, whatever that is, to make sure it is a break, though I'm fairly sure it is.

Breast update - the lump is so far staying the same shape and size, so that's good news. :)


Lis said...

SOunds like you have gotten the stabilization thing down! Hope your foot thing heals soon, you have been dealing with that for awhile now :(

helderheid said...

Thanks Lis - it's been too long... gads! Oh well. If it means I have to do yoga and pilates rather than running the rest of my life, so be it!

Darby said...

Real Estate is such a difficult profession. I commend you.

SeattleRunnerGirl said...

Congrats on stabilizing at the low end of your range! Question: if I worked out before HCG and all the way through P2, do I have to stop in P3? I'm training for a 10K so I can't really stop without jeopardizing that!

lavenderdiva said...

Has your new thyroid Rx kicked in yet? When I do my next round, I'm going to have to save enough money to have my thyroid re-checked. Without insurance, those tests are SO expensive. I'm still paying off my last test!

So glad to hear that you're conquering stabilization!

I'm one that believes that running is SO bad for your joints, especially as we get older. It wreaks havoc on your knee & hip joints. Pilates & yoga is much better for you, and creates such long, and beautifully toned muscles. If you have to be outside moving, then just walk. Its just as effective as running, and so much easier on your joints. Be careful with your foot-

love you-

helderheid said...

Darby, it's a challenge... but I do like challenges...It's hard sometimes though when you take it so personally even though some things are out of your control. :)

Seattle, I would say keep going. I stopped for some time before I started HCG and it wasn't recommended to start a new exercise routine while on the protocol, but it was fine so long as you were already in an established routine. Go for it. :)

LD - I don't think it's kicked in just yet. Hope it does soon! I'm so glad he checked it. I wasn't due for a check until November and was shocked he felt it was low enough to double the dose. I am SO glad I found him. I hate you don't have coverage. When will Obama's plan kick in so you can get coverage? I feel so out of the loop! Love you!

Anonymous said...

You've done a great job with stabilizing! Make sure you take care of that foot and don't do to much if it's bothering you. I think yoga/pilates would be good exercise choices. Have you thought about the ellipitcal? There's no impact. Take care of yourself busy lady!

helderheid said...

AR, the elliptical is actually what I think hurt my foot. I did way too much of it and that's when I first noticed the pain!

Thanks for your support and inspiration!!