Thursday, October 14, 2010

R5 Day 11 119.8 ( +.5, +3.1 LDW)

I tend to name my rounds. I've had one I called the roller coaster round that was so frustrating. What I wouldn't do to have that round back. This is my What The Fuck round.

Pre-load weight: 119.9
Net loss after 10 days of VLCD: .1

How is that even physically possible?

14 more days.


Lis said...

But are your clothes fitting better? You are sooooo close!! Hang in there! HUGS!

helderheid said...

Not really, Lis. :/

Amy said...

So frustrated for you! Is is possible that this is the weight your body wants to be at for awhile? Can't wait to see if you composition has changed the next time you get on your fancy scale. Maybe you have increased lean muscles mass....

helderheid said...

I've no idea. I did check fancy on Tuesday with no changes to my composition. Should be interesting to see what it says tomorrow. :) Thanks for checking in with me!

lavenderdiva said...

Dear, dear friend: WTF indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is past ridiculous- I have no insights and don't know what to say, other than my heart goes out to you. I don't understand it myself. You're doing everything right.

I'm hoping you're going to wake up and that fancy new scale surprises you with a new, lower number!

I'm sending you lots of hugs, 'release' thoughts, and love!!

Nick and Meg said...

Oh god that sounds exactly like my last round! I finally just gave up! It wasnt' worth it to me to suffer eating "nothing" and injecting to have NO results! I feel for you, I really really do! I think you look fabulous at 119!!! And are 119!!! Think about how far you have come! You are a rock star! I KNOW you will get the extra pounds off if you want to, but to me, you look amazing. Be happy!!!! Don't let the numbers on the scale rule your mood/life. :-)