Tuesday, October 26, 2010

R5 Day 23 (VLCD 22) 114 -.8 - Cream can wait until Friday!

I done dosed, y'all.

My HCG has been mixed now for 8 days, so I'm not very confident in it's potency, but I'm hanging on to it rather than remixing. I doubt I'll dose tomorrow regardless of whether or not I lose, but who knows.

Why does this happen at the end of each round? AND, why the drop today? I had 1100 calories, some including vodka! 

9 pounds this round. I'm beyond thrilled.

Off to drink coffee and catch up with all y'all... some of you aren't updating, damnit! I need my bloggy fix!!!


Amy said...

Wahoo for you! Cream on Friday!

Lis said...

Wish that I had it to dose another couple of days, but tomorrow is it for me - I dont want to break into a 5000 IU vial for another week! :) I still plan to do a short round in January with Mr Lis, so if I can start under 125, I might be able to get to 115... maybe! :)Isnt it crazy how we have picked up our losses??

Nick and Meg said...

Do you have access to my blog??? I am frustrated and need some help...


Let me know...

lavenderdiva said...

aw-- I have a feeling if you lose tomorrow, you may dose. I sure would! Heavens- I sure would! You had such a rough start to this round, and are ending it so beautifully. You have until Thursday (?right) to keep dosing, to make your deadline.

I LOVE that you had a nice drop today, with 1100 calories yesterday!

helderheid said...

Thanks all!!!

LD, I don't know how potent my mix is anymore... we'll see. Yes, I can go until Thursday (if my mix lasts that long!)! Wouldn't it be a trip if I got to 113?? That would mean I could stabilize at 112, my ideal! Shit, I guess I can do that now, can't I? :) This was such a success but a bitch of a start. Thanks for the suggestion of upping the calories! Damn, that worked!!

lavenderdiva said...

Yes, ma'am, you can do that (113) now! Hcg is a LOVELY miracle!! Glad the higher calorie count worked!! It definitely worked for me, and I felt no hunger either.

I'd definitely go till Thursday, if you have enough juice mixed. Since I've been doing 2000iu vials, my mix lasts exactly 8 days. My first round though, I used a 5000iu vial, and that lasted a good long while, and I didn't notice any potency issues. I doubt you will notice any with your 8-day mix. At this point, why shut it down 2 days early? Me, I'd be kicking myself if I quit, and didn't see if I could make it to 113.

just my 2cents.

helderheid said...

Okay, you've convinced me. If I drop, I'll dose! Thanks for the encouragement LD! **HUG**

lavenderdiva said...


Lis said...

Yep yep yep, go for it!! It is sooo worth seeing if it works!!!! Heck I would if I had a couple more days! :)