Well, here it is. My saline arrived today, and my amber vials arrived Saturday. I bought oil free shampoo, crystal deodorant, oil free moisturizer, stevia, and a new food scale. I'm set.
So far the plan is a 2 day load. 1st day will be food I love and never allow myself to have, and the second load day will be 2 large steaks to counteract the sodium and still allow for a good load day. I may change my mind on this and only do the steaks, but I'm not sure.
I'm nervous. It's been over a year since I've done this! I'm really hoping it's like riding a bike. I used to be able to answer questions with total ease about the protocol. I found myself scouring old notes to try to remember how to mix it!
This works for me and is the only thing that has. I have enough HCG to get back to the 100teens. I should be able to maintain that with a P3 diet and a yearly HCG round. I'm hypothyroid and can expect to be careful about food combining for the rest of my life. That's fine by me!
I'm scared and excited. I will need to scour the blogs to see who else is doing this again for moral support. I can't wait to fit in my jeans again!
XOXO, my lovies.
PS - I think I'll read my blog from start to finish tomorrow. :)
I love the title of this post.
Merry Loading and a Happy New You!
Thanks! :) Unfortunately, my mixing needle broke! ARGH!
Now'm I'm waiting on new ones to come in. Sheesh.
Hi, I read your whole blog start to end while trying to get my head in the game for a round two as I was gaining weight awhile ago. I'm currently doing a round and on day 25, hypothyroid also here!
Hey friend! How's is going? have you received your new mixing needles? Have you started loading yet?
I'm mulling over starting another round. I've gotten very confused over whether Simeons is a good thing or a bad thing, after reading sugarfreegoodies. And then again, I'm confused over whether sugarfreegoodies is a good thing or not. I do know that I lost a lot of weight on hcg, which I wasn't able to do before. I've been reading about Dr. Lipman's approach to the hcg diet, and I find it very interesting as he allows a little bit of different fats into his hcg program, which for me, would be a godsend with my gall bladder issues.
Nikki, that's great! Do you blog?
LD, I'm still waiting to get my needles and syringe. I'll start as soon as they come in. Tell me more about Dr. Lipman! I'm not familiar with him. It's been SO long since I've done a round, it really feels like I'm starting for the first time!
I've not researched the sugarfreegoodies. I just know this works for me.
I'm with you about feeling like a newbie all over again!
I heard about Dr. Lipman through an HCG forum I follow for HCG-rogers. link here: http://hcgdietinfo.com/hcgdietforums/f40/rogue-hcg-saloon-5505/
I went over to Dr. Lipman's site, and while I have only briefly scanned his site for info, he seems to embrace an 800 cal limit/day, and include some foods that Simeons' doesn't. The 'roguers' that have followed Lipman's plan still lose weight. I don't know if it's at the same pace as Simeons - it may well be, I just don't know - but, at this point, with what I went thru transitioning into P3 from P2, I'm willing to be a bit more 'rogue' this round, and see how I do adding in some more foods/fats.
sugarfreegoodies doesn't embrace the hcg diet at all. Her theory is that the actual hcg doesn't have anything to do with the weight loss we experience. It's the low-calorie diet that is doing the work. She believes that the hcg actually creates new fat cells, and that is why so many of us have re-gained some of our lost weight.
As hcg for me to date, is the only way I've managed to lose some weight, I'm willing to give it another go, but do it a bit differently. Hence, my willingness to give Dr. Lipman's plan a try. I have yet to get his e-book and read all the ins-and-outs, but I'm sure I will.
Maybe we can be hcg buddies this round!! That would be more than nice!!!
LD, THANK YOU for the info! I'm going to investigate. I hate giving up my omega 3 oil and D3 during P2 so if I can keep that, I'd be so happy.
As far as I know, you can't create new fat cells. I need to research that. It was my understanding that you have a set amount of fat cells that expand and contract, hence why lipo is so popular as it extracts and reduces the fat cells you have. I may be up in the night, but that was what I remember.
I'd love to be your buddy!!! <3 <3 <3!
Interesting read...
From the article: "One amazing fact is that fat cells generally do not generate after puberty -- as your body stores more fat, the number of fat cells remains the same. Each fat cell simply gets bigger! (There are two exceptions: the body might produce more fat cells if an adult gains a significant amount of weight or has liposuction performed.)"
A quick report. As many of you know, I have a fancy dancy scale. I'll post the pics of the weigh in, but know this - all showed I had too much weight but one.
The report on the visceral fat (the fat around the organs) was normal. HCG changed the dynamics for the better, as far as I am concerned.
Interesting information here! So happy for you and I am sorry for being so insensitive about the sugarfree stuff. I was so excited and just rambled off. :) I don't know. I am sure I will lose weight, but have to give it a go because already put in the money. Just not in a really good place right now. :) So excited to keep up with your story!
Don't give it two thoughts, Caitlin! The directions may be different but the destination is the same! Love you!!!
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