Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Helloooooo my peeps! I am wishing you all the very best this 2011! Today is 1.1.11 - LOVE IT!

My collage is done! To see it all at once, click on the picture. You'll notice the background on the blog is now the new collage.



Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! I love it! I had fun doing one yesterday, too. The question, what to do with it? I wanted to get an inexpensive frame and hang it in the sewingroom. What do you do with your board?

helderheid said...

Thanks! I'd love to see yours!

Obviously I took a picture and made it my background here so I would see it often, but I'm going to put mine in my bedroom so when I wake up, I see it first thing. :)

Kelly Scotti, CHHC, RYT said...

love it, its gorgeous! I haven't done one in a few years, time for me to give it another go. Happy New Year!