Monday, September 15, 2008

So tired, but doing well! Had a party tonight for the Mayor and I stuck to the protocol!

My weight finally budged a bit - down to 159.4, so down .4 since Saturday. I wish it were more but I think that may happen soon as I am fairly sure I am having my cycle.

The County Mayor had a meet and greet at my home tonight - I was so excited, as I am a big fan. I ate my chicken before guests arrived and stuck to water only the entire night. After they all left, I ate half a lemon (I read we could have the lemon juice the equivilant to an entire lemon, so I figured it was protocol safe) and 12 strawberries and a few cherry tomatoes. We shall see how that goes since it was pretty late.

Speaking of, I am so wiped. Time for bed!

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