Friday, April 2, 2010

Thank you guys!

You truly are the best!! Thanks for all the encouragement and kind words. :)

DOWN 1.3 pounds today!! I need to release 3.4 to get to that top acceptable weight  and another 5.4 to get to LDW. It was such a treat to see that loss.

I am about to do my yoga/pilates work out. I have a ton of property management stuff to do today, and I need to pick up my check (yippeee!). Once I'm done, I think I'll snuggle with my kids and watch movies. I can't wait to see Fantastic Mr. Fox!


lavenderdiva said...
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lavenderdiva said...

Fantastic! Your closing AND your loss!! Congratulations!

Be careful about focusing too closely on your last LDW. Let this next round tell you where your body wants to be. It may or may not be the same thing.

Enjoy snuggling and movies!

love you!

lavenderdiva said...

sorry about the deleted post- I've had trouble with blogger posting today....

Lis said...

GREAT loss today - good for you!! You'll be down where you want to be in no time!

Enjoy your movie time with your kiddos!

Christy said...
