Thursday, March 26, 2009



I even went OUT to eat yesterday. I had eggs benedict sans muffin. Was delicious, but I was worried that the hollandaise sauce might throw me off. Apparently not. So happy about that!

11 more days of P3...

Today I am getting my hair done and getting an outfit before a meeting I have tomorrow for candidate recruitment. All I have are size 10 suits and they simply do not fit anymore! I was hesitating on buying a new outfit until I knew whether or not I was doing the smart lipo (which I am definitely doing, I just need to figure out when), but I MUST have something to wear tomorrow! So hair and outfit. Yesterday I bought new sexy underwear. God, that felt good!


Beaker said...

Woohoo! Heading the right direction--and after eating out.

CandieLand said...

I love the way sexy underwear make me feel sexier!