Monday, March 22, 2010

Missed a day...

My 30 day challenge is missing yesterday. I vowed to move every day for the next 30 days. Saturday was pretty pitiful, but I did manage 20 minutes of yoga.

I ate waaay too much yesterday. I fell into the Parmesan chips! Today is a new day, however. I've got a bit of a headache today so I'm moving a little slower than usual, but I do plan on doing pilates and yoga today. I may throw in some cardio as well. I'm eating very clean with foods that haven't been prepackaged. I can't get over how much sodium is in some things. I think I've decided the perfect food is grilled chicken breast with tobasco sauce. I would have thought there would be a lot of sodium in the sauce, but there is only 35 mg per teaspoon, and a little goes a long, long way!

I bought cauliflower that I plan on steaming and mashing into "mashed potatoes". I've always wanted to try that! I have to face facts that for me as someone with thyroid issues, simple carbs are not my friend and never will be. An every now and then treat is fine, but as long as I'm above where I'm comfortable, they should be avoided. I need to for the most part stick to a South Beach style diet.

I am so excited about this job!! I did realize however, my kids will be out of school for Spring Break April 1-5 so I need to work something out with them about when I start.

I'm off! I hope you're all having a very wonderful, successful day!


lavenderdiva said...

Remember to pound the water to flush all that sodium. Damn the parmesan chips! Sodium is everywhere it seems. They put it in to add flavor and to act as a preservative. Just keep drinking water, and you'll get it out of your system.

I've made the cauliflower 'mashed potatoes', and they were very tasty. However, I learned that its VERY important to drain the cauliflower after cooking, really well. Otherwise you will get very mushy 'potatoes'. They taste good anyway though!

You've made an interesting point with how sensitive we may be to carbs, with our thyroid issues. I have found during this R2P3/P4, that I did much better maintaining by eliminating breads. On occasion, I craved a sandwich, but overall, I could do without it. When I did indulge, I saw a gain the next day.

When do you start your new job? Not that you need it, and could certainly 'train' anyone, but do you have to go through any training with this new center?

much love to you.

Lis said...

Darn those chips!! I hope you are feeling better and were able to get things done today that you wanted to do.

I am right there with you both when it comes to the carbs - not my friend either, even though I love them :( I dont have the thyroid to blame though, just a SUPER SLOW metabolism!!! Crazy!

Hugs to you dearie!

indigosfir3 said...

Congratulations! You're doing so great!