Leek and Bacon Crustless Quiche!
This is P3 friendly by the way, as well as a great loading food. Click here for the recipe. It was absolutely worth every calorie and the steak day! I will definitely be making this again, hopefully when I'm under my LDW ;).
Speaking of my steak day, after posting that article about the importance of eating something, anything, for breakfast being better than not eating anything, I experimented with my steak day. Rather than waiting until the end of the day, I had a little bit first thing for breakfast with my coffee, a little bit at lunch, and the bulk of it at dinner, drinking a gallon of iced tea (slightly sweetened with stevia) and water throughout the day. Obviously, it worked. I am beginning to suspect that Dr. S. was a bit of a psychologist... I'm wondering if the reason he instructs us to wait until the end of the day to eat is to insure we don't eat anything other than that steak. Maybe?
I know I've mentioned how popular the HCG diet is here in Utah but I have to say I was pretty surprised when shopping at my local grocery store to see at the check out bottles of homeopathic HCG! Wow... I wonder if people are going to try it without the support we have, do it wrong, and discount the diet as a fad. I hope that doesn't happen, but it seems that could be a real possibility.
I'm still working on balance. It's amazing how difficult it can be to change the weight loss habits out for balance and health habits. To hesitate on eating fruits and vegetables worried about the carbs is crazy! I'm working on it. Balance takes constant vigilance. Constant shifting. I am determined to find it and to maintain it. I think that's one of the reasons some fail at this protocol is that they want it to work and be done (this isn't true for everyone, but you know what I mean). You're never done. Just like cleaning the house once won't keep the house clean. It's constant vigilance. Unless you're in that mind set, it's too hard a diet to do.
Well, I've just babbled. I hope you're all well! Thanks for all the support and love!