Thursday, February 12, 2009

.1 down. What could it have been? Extra protien? The shot of vodka left over from mixing? The fact that I calculated what I "could weigh if"?

132.9. Regardless, it's SOOOOOOOOOO good to see 132 (even if followed by the .9).

Last round I had a shot of vodka without incident so I went ahead last night after my husband mixed the 2nd third of my doses. I also had that extra half scoop of jay robb egg white protein. All of this still had me at 450 calories total.

I suspect this is more psychological. Regardless...

Goin' with the floooooooooooooooooow and not tweaking any more. I will do one more day of under 20 carbs and see if I get a big loss. If not, I may bring my strawberries back. I don't miss them when I'm dropping crazy weight but otherwise I do.

I'll keep you posted!


Beaker said...

Love your post title.

We are so much alike. :o) Sometimes I feel like when I calculate the possible losses, it'll backfire on me and I won't lose. The mind does play a big part. That's why I resisted speculating for so long. I hate to set myself up for disappointment.

So this time I did a graph of everything from a .2 to a .8 loss per day. That way I can look at even the highest end weight and say, that's not so bad.

Don't worry about it. It could be the natural ebb and flow of weight loss on HCG.

Question: How many vegetables are you eating? Strawberries are so low carb--for fruit--that you should be able to eat them and still stay under 20 grams a day, no problem. Or maybe the carbs are in the shake?

helderheid said...

I'm eating a TON of veggies and that's where I'm getting my carbs. I probably could cut them in half and add the strawberries back in - why didn't I think of that?!?!? :) I eat either 2 large cucumbers or a bundle of asparagus per meal before my protein - it is so much that it really fills me up and allows me to really enjoy the protein without feeling deprived. :)

Thanks for your support!!!